Watch Extras On YouTube
This episode, Mike and Tara discuss various projects from Google and Microsoft, as well as some upcoming technologies to include 3D printing your food! (Article link and video below.) Mike also took some of your calls, and answered your questions! To help sponsor the show, head on over to Patreon like Desert Pro Commercial Cleaning did. Your contribution will help us improve the show, as well as bring you extras that we haven't been able to before! Curious about the Guru Protection Services that has been mentioned before? Click this link to find out more information! 3D Printed Pizza (The link is an article to the Foodini printing system, the video below is from CES.)
Google Project Zero
Chrome OS
Google Project Nova
Windows 10 Upgrades
Windows 10 Beta
FTC finds Dish made 57 million telemarketing violations
Microsoft HoloLens
How to: Google Hangouts