Podcast S07E07 – Let’s all sue Google



We spoke about a plethora of topics today, including Tiny Death Star and Disney, Celebrities and Google, home security issues with Comcast, and even a terrible Windows 7 joke. Click the links below to find out more about the stories we brought up, comment below if you have two cents to throw in on any topics, and listen to the podcast at the bottom of this post.

‘Tiny Death Star’ brought down by Disney

Celebrities take nude picture rage to Google

83 million accounts from Chase hacked (and 9 other financial firms not even included in that number)

Marriott caught blocking WiFi

FCC extends commenting on Comcast/TW merger

Eric Schmidt and Tim Cook get into hissy fit over who’s more secure

Study finds people don’t read ToS, inadvertently give away first born

Comcast Home Security FAIL


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