4 Quick Fixes For Common Computer Issues

Here’s a not-so-fun fact of computer repair: calling tech support can cost around fifty dollars. Why not try your hand at few do-it-yourself techniques? These quick fixes to some common problems can help save you money, and spare your sanity.

Software Savvy July Edition: Windows 10 vs Windows 7

Coming soon to a computer near you: It’s Windows 10! It’s possible that’s you’re already seeing that Windows 10 icon on your toolbar. If so, you probably have questions, like, “how the hell did Microsoft find me here?” or “Is this upgrade really worth it?” Valid questions, computer user, and we’re here to help. Here […]

Software Savvy June Edition – Everything you need to know about media players

Listening to music has never been easier than it is today, with new sites and apps to stream or play music coming out all the time. We need more than just a standard media player these days, we need something that’s innovative; that works on multiple systems; that can work with multiple file types. We’ve […]

Android M: What you need to know

Google recently announced Android M, which is going to be a version of their Android operating system focused on security and conservation of battery life – essentially the perfect version of the mobile operating system for business people or anyone who uses Android professionally.

The Last Version of Windows?

It looks like Windows 10 might very well be the last version of the operating system. Does this mean Microsoft is closing its doors? No – not by a longshot. It actually means the opposite – we can expect to see more updates to Windows than in any operating system Microsoft has previously released. Why […]

Virtual Assistants: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

If you’ve used a smartphone recently, you probably know what a Virtual Assistant is. These digital butlers can do everything from calling up an address, to setting an appointment, to even ordering you a pizza. All three of the major mobile platforms (Apple, Android, and iOS) now have their own Virtual Assistant software, and each […]

Video Editing Software – Software Savvy – May Edition

Summer is quickly approaching which means one thing: time for home movies. Whether it’s a family vacation, or your own personal outdoor  adventure, if you’re recording it on video, you’re probably editing it as well. You may just be whittling your video down for time, or making sure your highlight reel doesn’t include that embarrassing […]

Software Savvy – February Edition

Software Savvy- February Edition How to Pick a Parental Control Software That’s Perfect for Your Family Hackers, predators, and pornography, oh my! It’s a brave new world for parents as increasingly tech-savvy kids are growing up in the internet age. It used to be that protecting your children from bullies and predators was limited only […]

The Resurrection of ‘Popcorn Time’

We had mentioned on “ID10T Governance” (if you missed it, click and listen) a new app which had come out called, “Popcorn Time”. This app was kind of a go-between for torrenting movies without actually downloading the data (legality is still questionable). Shortly after the show, we were greeted with this letter on the “Popcorn […]

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